We believe modern learning is inherently flawed.
Rather, we think of it as a philosophy, a mindset, or a fun way to approach the problems confronting our modern world. Education is perhaps the most telling index of the needs of a culture in transition. Based on these truths, we have formulated our most fundamental principles, tested them on "Missouri" (prototypes & demos), and ultimately created a beautiful curriculum guided by a single, overarching philosophy:
To Learn, Purposefully.
Will TZERO fix the totality of American education? Probably not — while we have certainly set forth both confident and optimistic ends, our beginnings are neither arrogant nor naive. We start at T, subscript-0 — and use a creative blend of creativity and coachability to put our "dent in the universe," as Steve Jobs told the Stanford graduating class of 2005. How big a dent? I suppose we'll know over time.