Compound Calendar

One of my favorite tools to use, my Compound Calendar.

Simply put: Small actions taken consistently over time will produce exponential results. The same is true here. This calendar combines both your long-term and short-term goals into one explosive calendar.

Download it for free, and stinkin' use it!
Click To Download For FREE

unCOACHABLE™ Exercise Program

Take advantage of our expertly-crafted exercise program, straight from the vault of NCAA team programs, and built for hypertrophy.

Built on the Microsoft Sway platform, scroll through the program with advanced user experience, without the feeling of flipping through pages of an outdated workbook.

Whether you're just getting started or a seasoned exercise vet, the unCOACHABLE™ Exercise Program is guaranteed to get you the results you deserve!
Click To Download For FREE

Binary Calendar ("BC")

Another one of my favorite tools, my Binary Calendar, or "BC".

Simply give a brief task description in the larger blocks. You will notice that the cells then autofill through the rest of the week, "chunking" your days into near-automated processes.

As each "chunk" is completed, and you start denoting 1s and 0s (hopefully more 1s than 0s), you will see your score start to add up. Your new Binary Calendar will help you make continuous improvement over time.

Remember, the more 1s the better… In binary, 1 = ON. And when you are ON, you are dangerous.

Download it for free, and stinkin' use it!
Click To Download For FREE


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